A recent opportunity to guest coach at the Pillan Rugby Club, Pucón - Chile, re-confirmed my thoughts on the positive influence a guest coach can have on your own coaching education and experience through observation as well as the opportunity to have your athletes learn through another voice.

During my coaching career to date, I have been fortunate to experience both sides of the coin. Firstly, I would like to share some positive outcomes from inviting a guest coach into your environment.

When you take the opportunity to invite a coach into your environment, you should be clear on what you have planned for the session or sessions your guest will attend. It will also help to give your guest coach an overview on the experience of the group, your season journey and also information about your own coaching experience and goals. A guest coach is also an opportunity to receive direct feedback on your own coaching style and where improvements can be made.

Having a new voice around can bring energy to your session and excitement to your group. It can also be an opportunity to highlight to your group that their coach is on the right track with a confirmation of sorts through similar messaging from the guest.

Training on the shoreline of Lago Villarica, Pucón.

Training on the shoreline of Lago Villarica, Pucón.

During my experience coaching Rugby Union I have hosted Coaches with appointments at Super Rugby level. I was learning as much as my playing group during these sessions and the ability to receive feedback and advice shaped many of my current coaching traits.

I have also had the experience of being a guest coach in a number scenarios. From spending month long stints with a Los Angeles based Rugby Union club, specialist scrummaging sessions for a Representative side through to various single club visits I have covered a spectrum of team environments. 

What I can share is that it is likely whether you deliver an hour, or a block of sessions, you will leave an impact on a team or a fellow coach. You also will be able to get a micro look at a skill or game based decision making that perhaps the current coach doesn't get to address through time constraints.

I encourage you to accept guest coaches into your environment, or indeed accept the invitation to be a guest coach.


Hayden Rickard