This week I had a great Professional Development opportunity in that I secured access to the 2017 NAB Academy Darwin Camp where some of Australia's finest future AFL talent gathered to learn off former AFL greats and to experience a comprehensive look at the life of an elite athlete.

The camp is carefully planned with educational content from craft improvement with core skills, decision making and scenario sessions, nutrition education, physical preparation, strength, conditioning and rehabilitation and mental well being. The athletes at this camp are on the radar for the 2018 AFL Draft in 12 months time.

So how did I use this opportunity as a coach? I had 5 days in which to build a rapport with the coaching staff that have all played at the elite level, and are now on their own coaching journeys in various pursuits. When an opportunity presents itself like this, you can't be backwards in coming forwards. Most fellow coaches are only to happy to share their experiences and knowledge. This was the case this week, plenty of learnings and networking.

There are various sporting industry conferences or courses available each year. What courses or conferences or opportunities will you seek? 



I would like to share a professional development opportunity I took in 2008 that still serves my coaching craft and has shaped my delivery ever since. This opportunity was a week on the Advanced Coaches Course delivered by the International Rugby Academy of New Zealand, IRANZ. The course was facilitated by a former All Black selector, one of the countries top provincial coaches. There was a concurrent Advanced Players course with position specific coaches for each player.

Although game trends, laws, law interpretations have changed Rugby Union as a game from 2008, the learnings from this course are as relevant today as they were a decade ago. Hence, my coaching style, whilst evolving through other education and experience over this period, still owes plenty to the attendance at this first class institution. The brainchild of former All Black Murray Mexted, IRANZ has turned out a number of All Blacks and top coaches. In fact, two current All Black players attended this particular course. I can't recommend enough, if you're an aspiring Rugby Union coach, IRANZ is for you!

Whilst my coaching journey has taken various twists from time coaching in remote Australia, consulting in Los Angeles, a change in sports, my coaching goals have never changed. That being, "Be the best coaching version of myself possible, and in turn to give my athletes and people the best experience possible". Attending various Professional Development opportunities has enhanced and improved my coaching craft and I can't recommend enough, the choice to seek and attend seminars or visit sporting organisations.

If you get the opportunity to develop professionally, seize it.


Hayden Rickard