Are you considering coaching a team? What is your background? Are you the player looking to give back? Maybe the Mum or Dad who has inherited the side because you're there when it counts. Whatever your reason, I encourage you to make the jump into coaching.

I can promise you that whatever grade or skill level of your group, the standing of your club amongst the community, I can promise you a tonne of hard work. You will soon find that you are not just a coach. You will become a confidant, a person of trust. You will become a counsellor of sorts. You will find your players will seek your opinion on life, not just sport and games.

Are you worried yet? Don't be. The calling of becoming a coach is in my opinion one of the greatest pursuits in life. You will have the opportunity to impact many lives over the course of a season, a year, a decade. I find that in my playing experiences looking back, its not what my coaches said to me that stayed with me, its how they made me feel.

So you are considering jumping into coaching and I'm bringing up feelings. You see, you may be starting out your coaching craft. Your background in your field maybe minimal. You may have a extensive experience as a player transitioning into coaching. Whatever your background, you can't go past thinking from a perspective of what you would like to feel if you were in the players shoes.

You would like to feel valued. No matter what skill level or contribution you brought to the team, you would want to feel valued. You would want to trust your relationship with your coach. To know where you stand. You would want to see a plan or a pathway from point A to point B. Know what steps you're taking together to get better. You would want to be learning, having fun, playing games.

I encourage you to think from this perspective as you start out. Your club should have experienced coaches around that you can engage with. Or, maybe you will find a coaching mentor, a person you trust. A sounding board to challenge you into becoming a rounded coach.

You mite be lacking technical knowledge whilst starting out. This is an opportunity to engage with other coaches around your club, or even other coaches in your competition. Bring in guest coaches to your training or practice sessions. Brief them beforehand on your content and approach, they will be able to confirm to your group that the coach is already on the right path.

I would also encourage you to plan your season and sessions. Seek knowledge and complete your coaching education along your journey.

What ever path you take with your coaching, consider how you make your athletes, players and people feel.



Hayden Rickard