It is vitally important that when you begin your coaching journey you take time to consider what your coaching philosophies will hold. Your philosophy will be set to your principles and beliefs. This will be fluid over the course of your career and the more experience you gain in your craft, the more challenges you face and overcome along the way will determine changes for your  philosophy.

Setting out your philosophy is a valuable experience because you get the opportunity to reflect on how you are currently coaching. It is an opportunity to really go bone deep in self assessment and to really believe what your stall holds in terms of your approach to coaching.

You may ask yourself a number of questions to really define your personal coaching philosophy. These may be:

  • What is a coach?

  • Why are you coaching?

  • Why are the players coming along?

  • Are you the coach?

  • Are the players yours?

  • What do you want to achieve as a coach?

  • What do the players want to achieve?

If you are asked about your coaching philosophy, you should be able to clearly explain what you stand for as a coach. What are the key drivers for you guiding players or teams you are responsible for. 

This is just a taste of beginning a personal coaching philosophy and future content will delve deeper into developing your philosophy.



Hayden Rickard